Connecting kids to the Great Outdoors

Adventure Based Character Education Programs for Kids

Beginning Summer 2019 

Registering Now!

About Us


Our Mission

Unplugged Adventure Club is founded by myself,  Bo Iverson.  I grew up in beautiful Southern Utah and earned my Bachelors and Masters Degrees in Education. I have taught and coached multiple age groups and kids from all over the country the last 20 years.  Including working with parents and students as the Principal of a Therapeutic Boarding School for 15 years. From my experience, the major challenge that parents are seeking help for more and more is how to unplug their kids from their devices.  Currently many parents and kids are having valuable time and experiences robbed from them and they do not know how to counter it. Therefore, our mission at Unplugged Adventure Club is to assist parents in getting their kids unplugged from their devices and to get kids connected with adventure based character educations activities that will produce stimuli and entertainment that only comes from connecting to the Great Outdoors! 


Our Values - 4 R's to Recreation

In additions to having  fun times and making life-long memories, we want each member of UAC to learn the following core values:

Respect - Respect for themselves, others, country, and God.

 Responsible - Become a responsible citizen, child, sibling, and student.

Resilient- Learn to do hard things and handle frustration in a healthy way.

Relationships - Develop device-free relationships and team work skills. 


Adventure Experiences

Field Trip Adventures - Grades 3 - 7

4 half day adventure trips to Southern Utah's special spots including Zions, Kolob, Pine Valley, Snow Canyon, Sand Hallow and others. 

AM Adventures leave at 8am and return at 12pm. 

PM Adventures leave at 1pm and return at 5pm

Pick up and Drop off Location - TBD

 Challenge Adventures - Grades 2 - 7 

2 hours of fun adventure based activities at a local recreation facility.

SURVIVOR themed challenges will be used to promote teamwork, social skills, and friendly competition.


Join the CluB!!


Field Trip Adventure Costs, Discounts and Details

4  Field Trip Adventure Experiences  = $125

Sign up with 1-2 sibling/friend = $120 per child. 

Sign up with 3-4 siblings/friends = $115 per child.

Sign up with 5-6 siblings/friends = $110 per child.

Neighborhood Special - Sign up with 10 -12 siblings/friends we 

will arrange pick up/drop off in your neighborhood = $99.00 per child.

Each Field Trip Adventure Session Includes:

4 Half Day Excursions to Designated Southern Utah Locations

Facilitated and Supervised by Certified Teacher/Administrator  

Driver with CDL Passenger Endorsement

Trained Support Staff and Mentors

Water / Snacks

Specific learning activities targeted to the 4 R's of Recreation 

(Respect, Responsibility, Resilience, Relationships)

Fun times creating life-long memories..... without their devices!


Challenge Adventure Costs, Discounts and Details

4 SURVIVOR themed Adventures = $40

Sign up with a sibling/friend = $35 per child

Each Challenge Adventure Session Includes:

4 two hour "SURVIVOR" Challenge Experiences 

A SURVIVOR based theme will be used to create fun and meaningful challenges. Participants will be divided into teams or tribes for the week session. Each day tribes will compete in physical and mental challenges to determine what tribe gets immunity for the day. At the end of each day a tribal council will be held to determine what team earns or loses points for the day. At the end of the week we will recognize the winning tribe. 

The goal is to engage participants in motivational activities that will promote the 4 R's of Recreation (Respect, Responsibility, Resilience, Relationships).

Connections will be made to help youth understand how these principles apply to everyday life, especially in their homes. 

-Activities are facilitated and supervised by certified Teachers and trained support staff and mentors. 

- Activities will be held from 9am to 11am at a designated location. 


Summer 2019 Schedule


June Schedule - TBD

Session 1 - July 8 -11

Session 2- July 15 - 18

Session 3- July 22, 23, 25, 26

Session 4- July 29 - Aug 1

Contact Us

I am committed to giving your child a safe and memorable outdoor adventure experience. Please contact me directly if you would like to discuss your child joining Unplugged Adventure Club. I know it takes a lot of trust to send your child with someone you do not know. Feel free to call me and we can get to know each other as parents and hopefully we can partner together in unplugging our kids a little more often. I am willing to provide references as well that you can call to learn more about me, my family, and my passion for helping youth and parents find success. 

Sincerely,  Bo Iverson

Cell Phone - 435-705-4062

Unplugged Adventure Club

1171 W Province Way, Saint George, Utah 84770, United States